
Pillars of Squat Technique

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Maximizing your squat technique is about creating a synergistic effort of the legs, hips and back to lift the largest weight possible. We have had the opportunity to coach thousands of athletes across the World online and in-person at clinics and through this experience have been able to observe some of the most common technical errors and develop effective strategies to correct these errors. Here in our Pillars of Squat Technique series we break down the 5 most critical areas to develop for a strong and safe squat. Enjoy!

#1-The Setup

Any successful lift begins with a solid setup, failure to do this will doom the lift before it has even begun. A great setup in the squat is all about tightness, particularly in the upper back.


#2-Breathing and Bracing

Effective breathing and bracing patterns are critical to maximizing tension throughout the lift, lifting the most weight possible and keeping your back healthy in the long run.

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#3 The Descent

Rhythm and tempo during the descent of the squat must be consistent to optimize technique. Being able to find your best and most consistent rhythm will be highly influenced by your confidence and mindset towards the lift.

#4 Feet and Knees

The feet anchor you to the floor in the squat and are where you transfer force to create a successful lift. Finding proper balance in the feet and optimizing knee position throughout the lift will help you utilize the proper musculature at the right times.

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#5 Head and Shoulders

While the head and shoulders may not seem like they have much influence on a lower body lift, they help control balance and will allow you to better utilize your back strength throughout the lift, creating a synergistic effort between the legs and back.

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