
Meathead Mobility: Warmups Made Easy

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Molly Galbraith of J&M Strength & Conditioning and Girls Gone Strong has helped countless people from high level athletes (including Chad Wesley Smith) to housewives and youth athletes, improve their mobility and health with her knowledge of corrective exercise. In this webinar, Molly provides in-depth explanations of the importance of diaphragmatic breathing and a dynamic warm-up.  She goes through the purpose, execution and coaching cues of multiple diaphragmatic breathing exercises, as well as the purpose, execution, and coaching cues of 16 dynamic warm-up exercises. Not only will these exercises get you moving and feeling better quickly, but they will allow you to work on weaknesses such as lack of hip and thoracic mobility, and lack of core stability.  Implementing these exercises on a regular basis will keep you healthy in the long-run so that you can train for a long time.

Register for Strong360 to access Molly’s webinar Meathead Mobility: Warmups Made Easy which will launch at 7am PST tomorrow, Tuesday November 12th. 


Previous Juggernaut webinars are all available within Strong360 or right here…

Chad Wesley Smith’s 4 Pillars of Great Programming

Colin Burns’ Coaching the Snatch

Ryan Brown and Dr. Quinn Henoch’s Breathe Your Way to Better Movement

Brandon Lilly’s Building A Bigger Bench

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