
Garage Gym Competition X JuggernautAI

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We are very excited to announce that we are the Presenting Sponsor for the 2022 Garage Gym Competition series!

This will be a great opportunity to point your training towards and create a great community within JuggernautAI for so many people training towards the same testing dates. Your Max Out videos need to be performed and submitted between May 14th-22nd, 2022.

From the Garage Gym Competition organizers, “Want to test your strength at a powerlifting competition, but don’t want to leave the comfort of your garage gym?
That is exactly why we have the Garage Gym Competition, a virtual powerlifting meet for Garage Gym athletes, by Garage Gym athletes, and sponsored by companies that support this fantastic community. You can win awesome stuff from awesome people, companies, and brands, free entry, super easy to participate, you can compete at any time during the week of the event and you can even get your kids, spouses, friends and family lifting. No age cut-offs, no clothing requirements, everything is geared towards including as many people into the garage gym community as possible.” You don’t have to train in a garage to participate though, any gym will work.
Plus, there is the chance to win awesome prizes like a custom JuggernautAI/Ghost Strong Combo Rack.
We will be releasing much more info about this throughout the time leading up to the event.
Use GGC to save on the JuggernautAI App, when you SIGN UP HERE

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