
How to Build A Big Meet Squat

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As the Juggernaut Squatapalooza rolls on, check out the first seven parts of this series if you’re just tuning in:
Part 1:  Setting up for a Huge Squat
Part 2:  Dont Get Stapled – How to Make it Through Your Sticking Point
Part 3:  10 Steps to Great Squatting Technique
Part 4:  Squatting Specifics – What Technique is Best for Your Sport?
Part 5:  Squatting to Build the Wheels – How Bodybuilders Should Train the Squat
Part 6:  The Best Accessory Lifts for a Bigger Squat
Part 7:  How to Train the Squat for CrossFit
Part 8:  The Best Damn Squat Mobility Article.  Period.
Many people know about Brandon's catastrophic knee injury.  He's back under the bar chasing big weights again like a true champion.
Many people know about Brandon’s catastrophic knee injury. He’s back under the bar chasing big weights again like a true champion.
When programming for a meet, you have to understand that the meet is the final destination, and your current place in training is the starting point.
Some people fail to realize that you can only realistically expect a limited amount of progress in 10 weeks. Now, that’s not intended to sound negative, but if you are squatting 500 lbs. today, barring a miracle you are going to be hard pressed to squat 600 lbs. in ten weeks.  So let’s set up a path that makes sense.
Also, understanding the end point helps us count backwards when we set up our training. I also have to stress that no one cares about Maximum PRs in the gym, so we build for those on the platform. The main difference is mindset:  training with the purpose of becoming the best competition powerlifter you can be.  If you hope to be a Youtube Hero, or Instagram Star, then feel free to hit up PRs every time you train…
When you are ready to start on a path to competition greatness, here is solid squat routine to prep you for the meet:

Click to Tweet: “If you hope to be a Youtube Hero, or Instagram Star, then feel free to hit up PRs every time you train…” http://ctt.ec/J4RWD+


Week 1

Explosive Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats 70% x 3 reps x 8 sets
  • Olympic Squats or Front Squats 75% x 5 reps x 2 sets
  • Pause Squats (Pause in the hole) 65% x 8 reps x 2-3 sets
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 2

Rep Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats 70% x 8-12 reps x 2-3 sets
  • Olympic Squats or Front Squats 75% x 6-8 reps x 2 sets
  • Pause Squats (Pause in the hole) 65% x 10-12 x 2-3
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 3

Heavy Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats 80% x 2 reps x 5 sets
  • Olympic Squats or Front Squats 85% x 1-3 reps x 2 sets
  • Pause Squats (Pause in the hole) 70% x 4-6 reps x 2 sets
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 4

Explosive Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats 70% x 2 reps x 6 sets
  • Olympic Squats or Front Squats 75% x 5 reps x 2 sets
  • Pause Squats (Pause in the hole) 65% x 6 reps x 2-3 sets
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 5

Rep Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats 80% x 4-8 reps x 2-3 sets
  • Olympic Squats or Front Squats 85% x 2-3 reps x 2 sets
  • Pause Squats (Pause in the hole) 75% x 6-8 x 2
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 6

Heavy Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats 85% x 2 reps x 3 sets
  • Olympic Squats or Front Squats 90% x 1-2 reps x 2 sets
  • Pause Squats (Pause in the hole) 80% x 3-5 reps x 2 sets
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 7

Explosive Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats 75% x 2 reps x 5 sets
  • Olympic Squats or Front Squats 80% x 3 reps x 3 sets
  • Pause Squats (Pause in the hole) 70% x 3-5 reps x 2-3 sets
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 8

Rep Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats 85% x 3-5 reps x 2-3 sets
  • Olympic Squats or Front Squats 90% x 1-2 reps x 2 sets
  • Pause Squats (Pause in the hole) 80% x 3-5 reps x 2 sets
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 9

Heavy Squats

  • Competition Stance Squats Competition Bench 90% x 2 reps, 92.5% x 1 rep, 95% x 1 rep, 80% x (AMRAP)
  • Heavy DB/Barbell Walks 30 secs x 3 trips
  • Leg Curl/GHR 15 reps x 3 sets
  • Back Raises 12 reps x 4 sets
  • Pull Ups x Failure x 3 sets


Week 10 (Meet Week)

To me this week is what it is all about. I DO NOT recommend cutting weight unless you are setting an All-Time World Record. That is just my opinion, but cutting weight does two things:

1) It causes stress, and beginners don’t need more of that.

2) It can crush performance if you don’t replenish correctly.

So leave that for the experienced lifters, or for those chasing records.

Monday– I squat, bench, and deadlift up to 30%. I do 3 sets of 8 for each. Then I stretch, and do some mobility work. This is important.

Wednesday– I bench up to 75% x 3 paused singles on my chest. I then stretch, and do mobility work.

Thursday– I do an exact repeat of Monday.

After Weigh Ins- I go to a gym (usually in the hotel), and I do a brief full body workout. 10-15 minutes tops. It helps me sweat, and also makes my body want to absorb food, and fluids. I then eat, and drink all day long. I don’t drink too quickly, or overeat. You don’t want to feel like shit on meet day. This is your chance to showcase your talent.

Meet Day– I always have a big breakfast (I try to time it 4 hours before I begin lifting). I eat sandwiches, and drink water all day of the meet. Bananas, peanut butter, and other healthy treats are great as well. Too much Gatorade can make you sick.

I pick my attempts like this: Opener is a lift I can easily double, possibly triple. My second is usually just under a PR, and my third I break my PR. People can argue, and say whatever they like about my plan but that is it, plain and simple.


For even more squat goodness, these articles from the Juggernaut archives may interest you:

8 Weeks To Massive Legs

The Squat 101


Enjoying what you’re learning, but wish you could take it one step deeper?  Whether you’re a bodybuilder, powerlifter, CrossFitter, weightlifter, or athlete – the Juggernaut coaches and athletes, and the other members of Juggernaut Nation, can help you out on Strong360.


Brandon Lilly is a very well-traveled, Elite powerlifter. He has trained at Guerrilla Squad Barbell, Westside Barbell, Lexen  Xtreme, and is now home at Berea Barbell. In his strength journey he has competed in bodybuilding, strongman, and powerlifting. Brandon is one of only 19 men to ever total over 2200 raw, having 2204 which ties him for 16th all time (826.5 squat, 573 bench, 804.5 Deadlift).

Brandon amassed a 2530 total in Multi-Ply, and has best lifts of 1005 squat, 820 bench press, and 765 Deadlift. Brandon is the author of The Cube Method and is aiming to create a paradigm shift in the Powerlifting world.

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