
Peaking for Powerlifting

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Properly designed peaking happens through the optimal management of the fitness-fatigue relationship to maximize preparedness.

The factors to consider for designing an effective taper are…

-How much homeostatic damage can you induce in your training? More simply put, how strong are you. The bigger and stronger you are and more muscle you carry, the longer you’ll need to taper and longer you’ll be able to hold onto your fitness.

-Volume must drop more and sooner than intensity. Volume of lifting is a greater contributor to fatigue than intensity. Two to 3 weeks out from training (for middleweight class lifters with intermediate totals) should significantly reduce volume about 2-3 weeks out from a meet, while intensity will maintain high for an additional 1-2 weeks.

Learn more about proper peaking strategies in…

Peaking for Powerlifting by Dr. Mike Isratel

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